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UK Breast Cancer Deaths Expected To Rise

With breast cancer deaths having steadily declined in the UK for a number of years, predictions by Breast Cancer Now that the death rate could start climbing again as soon as 2022 may come as a shock.

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4,000 Scottish Women Missed Breast Cancer Checks Due To IT Error

Scottish women have been urged to request a breast cancer screening after ministers have revealed nearly 4,000 women in the country did not receive their invite for a routine check following an IT glitch.

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Topless Statue Of Surgeon Who Beat Breast Cancer Twice Unveiled

Breast cancer surgeon Dr Liz O’Riordan knows better than most what her patients are going through when they come to an appointment.

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Tributes Flood In For Journalist Rachael Bland

Rachael Bland, a broadcaster for the BBC, who has been publicly documenting her battle with breast cancer in her online podcast, passed away this week.

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Greater Understanding Of Tumours Improving Breast Cancer Treatment

Having a better understanding of how breast cancer develops is helping researchers and medical professionals to develop more effective treatments for the illness.

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14 Breast Cancer Survivors Prepare For Full Monty Charity Performance

Some of the most courageous women in Stoke have been rehearsing to take part in a performance of The Full Monty to raise money for a cancer support group.

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Could A Diet Full of Fruit And Veg Cut Breast Cancer Risks?

A diet rich in fruit and vegetables could be the answer to reducing the risk of developing breast cancer, particularly aggressive tumours, new research has shown.

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7 Products For Breast Cancer Patients To Make You Smile

As well as mastectomy bathing suits, there are all sorts of other products out there that have been created with breast cancer patients specifically in mind. After all, even though you’re fighting a battle with the disease doesn’t mean you need to lose yourself to it completely and if there’s anything out there that can put a smile on your face, it represents excellent value for money, wouldn’t you agree? Here are just a few products you might want to spoil yourself with.

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250,000 Breast Cancer Survivors Lack Support After Treatment

Women who wear mastectomy clothing have one thing in common – they have all faced the difficult battle of breast cancer. And while many survive the disease and go on to live long lives after the ‘all clear’, they are left with emotional scars from their fight, as well as physical ones.

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Many Breast Cancer Patients Denied ‘Life-Changing Surgery’, Says Research

There are many reasons that you may find yourself in need of mastectomy swimwear – it may be that you didn’t want reconstructive surgery, or that it isn’t an option suitable for you at the moment. What you don’t want to hear though is that while you should be eligible for reconstructive surgery, the NHS is denying you from having it.

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Screening Error Could Affect ‘Thousands More Than Thought’

Finding flattering mastectomy clothing that you feel comfortable in may not be the ideal situation, but it’s much better than the alternative, and many women will count themselves lucky to have discovered their breast cancer when they did. 

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Coppafeel Founder Stresses Importance Of Breast Checks

The co-founder of charity Coppafeel Kris Hallenga has been talking to ITV News about the importance of understanding the signs of breast cancer and regularly checking your breasts – whatever your age..

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Benefits Of Exercise For Breast Cancer Survivors Highlighted

Exercising after breast cancer treatment has been shown to be an effective way of tackling the mental and physical side effects of the treatment, but many women struggle to be physically active after battling breast cancer.

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Melanie Sykes Encouraging Breast Cancer Awareness

The message about breast cancer awareness comes from many places these days and Melanie Sykes is the latest celebrity to get involved in encouraging women to go for regular checks.

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Friends Open Up About Supporting Each Other Through Breast Cancer

Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis and then coping with the treatment and recovery is challenging for everyone and it’s this time in your life when you need the support of your friends and family more than ever.

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Study Shows Link Between Muscle Mass And Breast Cancer Survival Rates

Scientists have discovered a connection between women with low muscle mass and poor breast cancer survival rates.

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Breast Cancer Fashion Show Raises Record Amount

Over 30 women with experience of breast cancer took to the catwalk in March to raise funds for Breast Cancer Haven, Yorkshire, which provides free support to women as they go through their breast cancer treatment.

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Male Breast Cancer Survivors Need Cosmetic Surgery Too

Breast cancer survivors may be looking for mastectomy swimsuits for the summer wardrobe at the moment, so head over to our range to see what we have to offer.

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Artificial Intelligence To Aid Breast Cancer Diagnoses?

A two-year experiment is due to start where artificial intelligence and cutting-edge technology is used to analyse breast scans from MRI machines across the country in a bid to help doctors make more accurate breast cancer diagnoses.

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Scientists Discover More Genetic Links to Breast Cancer

The link between breast cancer and hereditary genetics is well known, and now scientists have found evidence of an increased risk of breast cancer in 110 genes.

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