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Male Breast Cancer Survivors Need Cosmetic Surgery Too

Breast cancer survivors may be looking for mastectomy swimsuits for the summer wardrobe at the moment, so head over to our range to see what we have to offer.

Yet one of the most frequently ignored types of breast cancer survivors are men. Many of them may also feel uncomfortable about hitting the beach in swimming shorts if they have surgery scars left over from their battle with breast cancer.

Speaking at a recent conference Professor Robert Mansel, Chair of the 11th European Breast Cancer Conference (EBCC-11) and Emeritus Professor of Surgery at Cardiff University School of Medicine said that cosmetic surgery was important for men too.

“At present, men with breast cancer often undergo radical surgery to remove all the cancer, but why should surgeons remove the nipple and the areola, if it’s not necessary? Men feel self-conscious about how this looks because if they want to swim or go to the beach their chests are uncovered if they wear swimming trunks,” he said.

Men should also be included in breast cancer trials as well he said, stating that the lack of men on trials means there is a lack of information about the impact that different treatments may have on them.

There is currently an international effort to analyse the results of men on different treatments being run by The European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), the Breast International Group (BIG) and the North American Breast Cancer Groups.

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