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Coppafeel Founder Stresses Importance Of Breast Checks

The co-founder of charity Coppafeel Kris Hallenga has been talking to ITV News about the importance of understanding the signs of breast cancer and regularly checking your breasts – whatever your age..

Kris was diagnosed with terminal breast cancer nine years ago at the age of just 23 and went on to set up Coppafeel with her twin sister to raise awareness of the symptoms of breast cancer among young people.

She told the news provider that she believes establishing the charity has helped keep her alive.

Coppafeel’s aim is to educate young people about breast cancer, how it could affect them and how they can look after themselves.

The first symptom of breast cancer that many people notice is a lump or thickening of their breast tissue, but there are other signs to watch out for as well, including pain in your breast or armpit, a change in the size of your breasts, a lump or swelling in your armpit, a blood-stained discharge from your nipples, a change in the appearance of your nipples or a rash in this area.

Regardless of your age, if you notice any of the above signs you should book an appointment with your GP, the news provider stressed.

Melanie Sykes is just one celebrity who has been sharing the message about getting regular checks for breast cancer once you get older. The 47-year-old recently shared a topless photo of herself to promote the fact that she was going for screening.

Of course, screening is important, but so is finding the best way to live well with cancer and to enjoy life once you are in remission. If you need help finding mastectomy swimwear, contact us today.

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