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Angelina Effect ‘Not Working’ To Increase Genetic Screening

Actress Angelina Jolie famously opened up about her decision to undergo a double mastectomy after a simple genetic test showed she carried the BRCA1 gene, which significantly increases your risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer.

In 2013, when she underwent the surgery, it was hoped that her openness about her decision would encourage more women to have and potentially take preventative measures.

However, new research in the US conducted by the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Fielding School of Public Health found that over 80 per cent of women with a history of either type of cancer have not taken the genetic test, or even discussed it with their healthcare provider.

This equates to between 1.2 and 1.3 million women in the US. Lead author of the study Dr Christopher Childers said that although identifying the mutated gene is important for “surgical decision making and cancer therapy”, there is more to it than that.

“If individuals are aware that they have these mutations, they can take steps to lower their future cancer risk,” he explained.

Earlier this month, Emma Hannigan wrote an article for the Express about her battles with cancer since genetic testing revealed she had the BRCA1 gene.

She has battled cancer ten times in the past decade, with her first diagnosis coming at the age of just 34. Despite undergoing a double mastectomy and having her ovaries and fallopian tubes removed, she still developed the disease.

During her time in hospital, she has written 12 best-selling novels in Ireland and speaks of how she doesn’t want the disease to define her. It’s an inspiring story, one that Emma herself describes as “a tale of hope and positivity”.

If you’re looking for mastectomy clothing after undergoing this kind of treatment, take a look at the range we offer.

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